Our Mission

Donate time, money or materials to support overseas electrification projects in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

About Us

The NRECA International Foundation is the philanthropic organization created in 1985 to help support NRECA International electrification projects. The foundation is supported solely through voluntary donations, both cash and in-kind, with more than 300 member cooperatives and many private organizations contributing time, money and materials for projects in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

You Can Help

Make a contribution today to our foundation and join more than 300 cooperatives, private organizations and caring individuals who are actively promoting global development through electrification.

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International Foundation Donation Cards

Honor your friends and family on special occasions or pay tribute to someone with NRECA International Foundation donation cards that help our great cause. With your donation, NRECA International will mail a card on your behalf to whomever you wish to honor or remember.

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